Campaigns is a 501c3 global network of Christian givers, business owners, and Christ-followers that desire to work together to evangelize, disciple, and multiply God’s Kingdom. The name comes from John 21, where we find Jesus telling His disciples to cast their net on the right side of the boat. After obeying, they hauled in 153 large fish and yet their net was not torn. The work of the net, or network, provided these “fishers of men” with food for themselves, their families, and commercial sales to provide for their mission activities.  Likewise, this network desires to provide finances and other resources to meet the needs listed on this site. Join the network knowing that 100% of what is received is passed through to the campaigns you choose. You may use credit and debit cards, knowing there are small merchant processing fees, or send a check without incurring any fees.

Once a campaign is met, it is removed from this page. Please consider a recurring donation which would allow these ministries to focus on solutions instead of fund raising.

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