Site Instructions

WELCOME– Here we’ve included a description of how to use the site. You will find the links: ABOUT US, GIVING, MINISTRY VERIFICATION, SITE INSTRUCTIONS, TENETS OF BELIEF, and CONTACT US.

MISSIONS– By choosing COUNTRY STATISTICS, you will be able to review geographic locations, demographics, governments, and religions. Instead of choosing specific mission points under the NEEDS link, you may also use the DONATE button to give with your credit card or other PayPal methods. Note that 100% of your gifts go to the missionaries, as there are no administration charges.

PRAYERChrist Centered Prayer is a global network of prayer warriors that assist mission points with prayer. Here you will find their PRAYER REQUESTS, a PRAYER TOPICAL GUIDE, PRAYER ALERTS, and images of some of the PRAYER TEAMS.

MEMBERS, POSTS, FORUMS, AND GROUPS are available for Members after login. Givers and Mission Points may share information, answer questions, and collaborate on projects.

MEMBERS– Go to the MEMBERS section by choosing the drop down menu next to your log in name. You will be able to view or connect with other site members. You may also send them a private message through this portal.

POSTS– Feel free to post a comment that other members see, but doesn’t fit into a group discussion which are called forums.

FORUMS– Search the forums to find countries or mission areas of interest to you. Other members may respond also with any information they may have. This is a great location to share where you are seeing God at work!

GROUPS– By clicking this link you can see the members of the groups and subscribe to these groups.
