Philippines – Emergency Widow Support – PHI003

On May 9th, two of our Philippino pastors were traveling back from a pastoral conference in the mountains.  They were driving a motorcycle when the brakes went out.  Pastor Margarito died instantly and Pastor Ramon died 5 days later in the hospital. Pastor Margarito was single, and Pastor Ramon left behind his wife Norie and their 9 children.  Norie is also 5 months pregnant with their 10th child. We are raising enough money for her to open a grocery business, garden, and chickens to supply for the family’s basic needs.


Please email for more information: [email protected]



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Bro. Ramon was the Tribal Outreach Director in the high mountain tribal villages of Paquibato Davao Province.  He had a job that supported his family and did Ministry work on the weekends, and now they have no way to get support. So we are raising funds to send to our Philippino coordinator, Pastor Joel Germogena, who will oversee the completion of her store, gardens, and chickens.  She will need this support to have money to buy seeds and plants and fix her a garden plot and buy some chickens to raise . That way they can feed themselves and she can afford school and clothes and things for her children. They don’t have welfare in other countries like America does and they’re already so poor over there there’s not a lot her church family can do to help her. They all just get by day-to-day. If y’all will pray for them please! And if God lays it on your heart to give toward her business and her gardening and chickens you can give a donation by mailing a check and pay no fees or use your credit card with this link.