Deus and Ezena Kanunu are the founders and Directors of Radio Uhai FM. They are serving the
LORD in Tanzania, East Africa in the city of Tabora by teaching over the radio station, holding
Pastors’ conferences, hosting mission teams, language researchers, and Church planters.
Professionally Deus is a Cartographer and Administration. He grew up in a Christian family. His
father is a home missionary of Baptist Convention of Tanzania and a senior pastor of Efeso
Baptist church in Tabora. He received a Certificate in Cartography from Ardhi Institute,
Theological Education by Extension Certificate from the International Baptist Theological
Seminary of East Africa. A part from that, Deus has an Advanced Diploma of English from the
World English Institute (WEI) found in the USA, the Bachelor Degree in Political Science and
Public Administration from the Open University of Tanzania, Master of Science in Human
Resource Management from Mzumbe University in Tanzania, and a PhD in Biblical Studies
from All Nations Bible Seminary in the USA. He also served with the Baptist Mission of
Tanzania, Tabora branch as a Nyamwezi language research assistant for two years from 2003 –
Deus has a wonderful wife her name is Ezena. She was born into a Muslim family. She accepted
Jesus Christ as her LORD and Savior in 2003 and was baptized. She is a womens group leader at
the Efeso Baptist church in Tabora. She is the holder of Diploma of Local Government
Administration major in Human Resources at a local government Training Institute in Tanzania.
Ezena and Deus were married in 2004. They have three wonderful daughters; their names are
Witness, Jorlyn and Myca.
For more than 3 years now the Kanunu family has been living in a cracked, roof damaged house.
During the rainy season the water has been coming into the house and has caused extensive
mold. The resulting mold has caused the family much sickness and a lack of safety. Due to this
reason, the Kanunu family is raising $15,000 USD to build a good house that will enable them to
live comfortably and do their ministry in a healthy environment.
However recently the radio station’s transmitter was damaged and needs repair in order to again
operate the radio station. Please consider supporting the repair charges. Please use this link for
your donations for the Tanzania house project.
Deus and Ezena appreciate the prayer support of faithful prayer partners around the world as the
Proclaim the work of God to the Lost! Please email us for any questions: