Shepherd Bags™ is a program used to share the love of Jesus Chris through the distribution of a gallon size plastic bag containing important hygiene items and toys.
The Shepherd Bags™ Ministry is a program unique to Evangelistic International Ministries. In 2001, the head of EIM, Bro. Rocky Goodwin, founded this program. The idea came from Scripture when David was a shepherd boy. In his shepherd’s bag, he kept 5 stones which he later used to slay Goliath. Historically, a shepherd’s bag would store important items that a shepherd would need while tending his flock, such as food or a small scroll of Scripture. Bro. Rocky was inspired by this concept; through distributing a gallon size plastic bag containing important hygiene items and toys, he saw an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ. Since 2001, EIM has sent Shepherd Bags™ to children in need all over the world, including the following countries: Romania, Ghana, Honduras, Pakistan, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Ukraine, and Cape Verde. Honduras is our site of ongoing distribution of Shepherd Bags™. We have a national director that coordinates the distributions with various mission teams as well as continues the ministry himself in between mission trips. Each mission team travels to 4 different villages each day of their trip to first present the Gospel message, and then to play with the children as the Shepherd Bags™ are handed out. This program is a wonderful and unique opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ. If you would like to join us on a mission trip, please see our website,, for more information. During this experience you will definitely share in our joy when you see the huge smiles on the children’s faces or when you see the hands that want to profess their new found faith in Jesus! However, it is costly to provide hundreds of bags on a continual basis. Please support our endeavors to show the love of Jesus Christ to children in Honduras!
Shepherd Bags™ is a program used to share the love of Jesus Chris through the distribution of a gallon size plastic bag containing important hygiene items and toys.