Darkness to Light

  • Darkness to Light

    Posted by Paresh Halder on January 1, 2020 at 11:41 am

    Turning away from God, brother Shymapado Ghosh and wife Sabita after lost their 25 years young son.

    My wife Sabita Ghosh and I Shyamapado Ghosh both we live in a Bankura district and it is a 3 hours away from Kolkata and we accepted Jesus and were baptized together 10 years ago. We have a son of 25 years and a daughter of 22 years, but due to our poor financial condition. So I decided to send my son to Mumbai to work. Sadly my son died on 20 September 2019, during his building construction work and we became very helpless.

    We were filled with sadness and I began cursing God and asking why this happened to my family. Also I and my family persecuted from different leader of Hindus, I realized I had made a big mistake by turning away from God.

    However, in spite of my foolish ways, the Lord intervened by sending a brother Avijit Sarkar from Transform East Alliance network on 10th October 2019, He prayed for our situation and we began to gather with him and others each week in his discovery Bible Study group. Through the prayers of this group, the Lord began doing a mighty work. The people who came to occupy our land suddenly left in a panic and did not bother us again.

    I am very thankful that I found my way back to God and that He has changed my life so much. I love sharing the Bible stories with others and encouraging people to obedience in only Jesus, the one, true and living God.

    Now I’m labour of daily work and its very hard for providing family needs through this work because salary very less.

    On the other hand I am praying and planning to start a store for the sale of daily needs of the family, as myself encouraged by brother Avijit partner of brother Paresh.

    Please pray that God bless me to start shop new year from January 2020.

    I know that my son is happy with Prabhu / Laord.

    We need one Godly man for our daughter’s marriage as she is now teaching to children in our community for her pocket money also she helping us to family also sharing Bibles stories among her friends and our community as she is leading a two different discovery Bibles study group in two different places.

    All glory to our God for turning point in our family as we looking great hope for us and many of others who are living without Jesus Christ.

    Also thanks to brother Avijit and Paresh

    Please pray for themselves also for their great work as they’re doing among unreached million bengali community.

    All glory to Him

    Paresh Halder replied 4 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Ronnie Valentine

    January 1, 2020 at 1:59 pm


    Thank you so much brother for sharing this wonderful testimony! I was thrilled to see how Jesus remained so faithful even though there was broken fellowship. Being a Pastor in a small community in Texas, I am always stirred to prayer and action when I hear or read of my fellow shepherds and their struggles and victories. I am currently praying about our church becoming a partner with another church in a foreign country. I will discuss this with Dr Mark and continue to pray for God’s wisdom and leadership. God bless.

  • Paresh Halder

    January 4, 2020 at 7:13 pm

    Dear Ronnie, very appreciate for your response and pray 

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