USA – Native American Missionary Support – USA005

God has called me to my Native people, the Anishinaabe people of North America.  My tribe, the Potawatomi, are among that larger group of Anishinaabe composed of Potawatomi, Ojibwe, Odawa, Cree, and others.

It is an wide and expansive area here in our area in traveling to the US reservations and Canadian reserves to preach, evangelize, disciple, and build churches among my people.  We are in need of regular monthly support or even one-time gifts to help us work among our people.  We travel hundreds of miles a week to preach and teach God’s word.

In addition, I am directing a Native American discipleship and ministry training center for Native Americans here on the Leech Lake reservation where we live.  Please pray and consider helping us with meeting an annual goal of $10,000 shortfall in our current support.

Chii miigwetch!  Big thank you!

For further information please email me at [email protected]

NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS:  “I don’t have your addresses or I would write to you personally! We want to thank you personally for your sacrificial gifts of love towards the ministry that God has entrusted to us!  I’m recovering well and continuing on with the ministry here among the Ojibwe people in Northwestern Minnesota.  Between the ministry of our new church plant and the training center on the Leech Lake Reservation, we are staying really busy!”



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Needed funds for our Native American reservation ministry across the United States and Canada.